
Montenegro is a country in Europe with 672180 inhabitants and a territory of 13 812 km² (5,333 sq mi). Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro.

Moving or travelling to Montenegro

Do you desire to visit / try living or stay permanently in Montenegro?

  • - Description of process of immigration (Yes, these pages will or already do contain a free immigration information);
  • - Also obtaining documents (i.e. visa / residence permit / passport).

Then these Montenegro hub pages related to immigration might be interesting for You:

Employment and unemployment in Montenegro

We are still collecting statistics about Montenegro.

Blacklist of Montenegro

All countries banned, embargoed or otherway limited / not fully recognized.

Page Data

Page's visit, statistics & data information.

Search engines

Search engines find us by: Montenegro, immigration in Montenegro, business in Montenegro, invest in Montenegro, Montenegro taxes, Montenegro business, Montenegro asylum.