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Legal address

Legal address. Lawyer from Latvia will help you to find, obtain and register a legal address for your soon to be registered company in Latvia.

Why it is obligated to have a legal address?

According to Republic of Latvia Commercial law it is a mandatory requirement for all Latvian and foreign merchants' missions, besides, the legal address must be the address where the company's board of directors is located, officially.


Price mainly consist of our work with legal document drafting and/ or finding the adress available for registration. However an optional price includes - a payment to the owner of adress. This does not count if official place is rented, thus replacing payment to owner with much greater amount - a renting price.

  • Payment to owner of adress (optional) - 10 to 30 LVL (15 to 45 EUR)
  • Our fee - 70 LVL (100 EUR)
  • Total - 100 LVL (145 EUR)

Write us to get proper legal address.

Local knowledge

Throught local market knowledge the offer is to find a prestigious legal addresses in Riga, as well if someone will check whether your company's board is actually located in this given address, our employees or business partners will always be able to confirm this information.

Legal address usage

One of two options, either a renting process is underway where we assist for appropriate placement of your desired needs. The offered legal address can be used by the enterprise in communication with public authorities and for purposes of advertising (on business cards and forms) and real activity. Or other option we find an appartment of which owner agrees to sign allowance for company to reside legally at the adress given. Thus only postal mail will be available.