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Search Engine Optimization

SEO is part of every business. Why? It get's you a visitors to your website! What is visitor to you? -Maybe next long time customer, maybe one time buying, maybe neither.

Search Engine Optimization for business!

Search Engine Optimization for business is work with web pages like marketing team does by calling people on home. The difference?
When a marketer calls to home in best case he knows what gender and age the person has and it is hard to predict whatever the person will be your customer or won't. What a SEO master does is optimize your pages of website so they are better to be found via search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex) and social medias. This works!

How SEO works?

If a person goes to search engine and type in buy apples then the very first listed website who is selling apples get 40% possibility to have a new customer.
40% is not that much or is it? - There is terms searched million times a month, but you have to remember not all of them are monetizable. Here is one high competative example get insurance has 368,000 monthly searches so approximately doing the math, the very first website gets 220000 visitors per month. Have you ever had 220000 visitors? And how much of them could be your customers?

Perfectize SEO and you get maximum customers

Do a perfectizing work on your website in the means of SEO and you get tons of customers. So simple. Hire Artis Zelmenis.